Saturday, October 31, 2009

Green Baby

When I saw these pajamas on sale at Target, I had to buy them. I mean, how often do you see baby clothes depicting wind turbines? Adam got a kick out of it, and she still hasn't grown into her tree hugger onesie...but soon!

Friday, October 30, 2009


We were booed! Last night there was a knock at the door and when Adam answered it no one was there, but there was a bucket full of candy on our front porch, along with a Halloween poem and a sign saying "You've been booed!" The idea is that you then "boo" two more neighbors by leaving them some kind of treat. I like it! The candy was good too. Adam and I immediately started divvying it up! Luckily Anna is still too little to compete with us!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pretty in Purple!

Thank you for this dress, Aunt Kelly! It was perfect for the weather today!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Parade

Anna making a funny face after we marched in the library's Halloween parade. It's not very often that you have the chance to sing out loud in the library. Judging from the looks on the other library patrons' faces, maybe it should happen more often!

Good Times!

Anna having a good old time! Making a baby laugh is one of the best things I know, and the sweetest sound ever. I love in the second video when I talk about food and she says "mmm"!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dressing Up

This weekend when we all gathered to celebrate the wedding of Michael and Evangeline, we also had the chance to dress up the little ones in their Halloween costumes. My pictures did not come out very well, but you can still see the adorableness of Gloworm, Edamame, and his big brother, the sushi roll. You can also see Princess the Pug, who was celebrating her fifth birthday, and cousin Richie, who somehow managed to sleep through the chaos! You can also see that Anna was quite relieved when the picture-taking frenzy was over!


Adam and I are very grateful for Anna to be blessed with such wonderful grandparents who love her so much and who she will be able to laugh with and learn from as she grows up. We feel especially glad that we were able to spend great times together this month.

Could I love this little girl any more? I really don't think so!

I wish more people had this philosophy, especially around the holidays.

Anna is wearing a sweater and hat made for her by her Great-Aunt Rae. They are so soft and beautfully made. Thank you Aunt Rae!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fun Fall Weekend!

What a great weekend! Anna's BeBe came for a visit and we had so much fun! We went to the fall festival in Havana where Anna tested out her Gloworm costume, got a little lost and took the scenic route home, decorated for Halloween, watched the Gators and saw cousin Josh, and went to the pumpkin patch, where Anna picked a "just her size" pumpkin. BeBe also cared for Anna so Adam and I could have a few hours of "grown-up" time out on Saturday night. All this while Anna is teething! All in all, it was a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Learning to Drive

Anna loves her little car! I thought she might be too small for it, but with some assistance she enjoyed it very much! Daisy wasn't so helpful though!

My favorite! She looks like she is taking a joyride!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Starting Solids

The first completed jar of food!

Prunes- yummy! Anna has started to eat "solid" foods this past month and boy is that an adventure! She hated rice, learned to love oatmeal, and refused to eat my delicious homemade carrots. She now has tried apples, pears, sweet potatoes, and prunes, with ever-changing degrees of interest. Sometimes she lunges for the spoon on every bite, and other times she seals her mouth shut and looks at the chandelier. Judging by her steady growth though, I think she's doing just fine!