My little giraffe getting checked out by Winnie the Pooh at her preschool fall festival!
She had her first Halloween candy on Saturday and she loved it!
She did really well with her costume and seemed to like wearing it. She would laugh every time she saw herself in a mirror!
Getting ready to go trick or treating! She was so cute and seemed to understand the concept more than I expected. She would go up to the door and say "Knock Knock" and then she'd be surprised when it opened. She usually said "Candy please!" because "Trick or treat" was a little challenging. She also would say "Thank you" and "Happy Ha-ween!" She had a tootsie roll pop, some M & Ms, some pretzels, and a little Crunch bar. Adam and I are having the rest!
Having a little late dinner after trick or treating.
She loves these pajamas- the bones glow in the dark. We stand her on the bathroom counter in front of the mirror and turn off the lights and she thinks it is so funny!