Thursday, January 12, 2012

Eleanor at Three Months Old

These are some pictures from Eleanor's three-month "photo shoot". I can't believe she is already three months old! She is the sweetest thing, with lots of smiles and funny faces. Sometimes she "talks" back and forth with me and a few times she has laughed! Yesterday, she flipped from her tummy to her back, and she is quite strong as far as pushing up and holding her head up. She loves to be held and to look at her family, especially Anna. I think she is a music lover like Anna is too! If I am feeding her and start to sing, a lot of times she will just start smiling and dripping milk! We all love her so much and it is already hard to imagine an "us" without her as part of it.

Back to the Lake

I've been enjoying these warm-again days and took the girls to one of my favorite walking spots- Lake Ella. Anna and I used to go there all the time during her first year, but this was the first trip for Eleanor! This was also the first time Anna was really big enough to venture up the climbing tree. We saw ducks, birds, a Great Dane, a huge orange cat, and a ball python! The people watching is always good too!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Anna and Dotty

This cute doll with matching pajamas was a gift from BeBe to Anna. So sweet!

Happy New Year!

In the Florida caverns.

Anna was very interested and not scared, which was great!

We got to spend the day and New Year's Eve with the Weaver Family!

Snuggling with Aunt Stacy!

New Year's Baby!

A New Year's kiss (though not at midnight!)

Good Times

Anna loves Chapstick and was thrilled to find some in her stocking!

A tiny red velvet cupcake from the easy-bake oven. They were tasty!

We finally made it to Dorothy B. Oven park this year to see the lights.

Anna checking out the Nutcracker.


Anna and BeBe decorated a birthday cake for Jesus.

The icing was very tempting!

Note the smoke rising from the pot holder and spoon I set on a hot burner. I was still oblivious at this point!

Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!

Christmas Eve

We were home for Christmas this year and able to go to our own church, which was really nice. The girls did great and went to "children's chapel" for the first time. This consisted of knocking on doors all around the courtyard and through the Sunday school hall, looking for room at an inn. Finally we came to a room where a nativity scene was set up and the children were able to touch the figurines and ask questions. It was very adorable to watch!