Monday, February 28, 2011

First Haircut!

Okay, so it was really just a bang trim, but Anna did great! The lollipop definitely helped, as well as the fact that Cody, who cut her hair, is so nice! She was telling her teachers at school today about how she got her hair cut. She is getting so big and talking so much, I really can believe she will be two years old in just one week! Plus she started telling people she is two about a month ago!

Don't Feed the Alligators!

Another fun day at the museum with Grandma and Papa!

Crazy static at the playground!


Lately, Anna has become very interested in putting on my shoes! Also, every time we are in the car she passes the time by taking her shoes on and off, putting them on the opposite feet, and taking her socks off too. This keeps her very busy, but also provides quite a lot of frustration for us both! The other thing she loves to do in the car is sing! This weekend she made up a song out of the blue and has been singing it ever since. It goes "Daddy, Daddy, jump back down. Daddy, Daddy, jump back down. Daddy, Daddy, sit right back down!" She sings it about ten times in a row using different people's names. Anna definitely keeps us laughing!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Laughing and Learning!

During the past several months it has been great fun listening to and watching Anna. She has learned so many new words and I love talking and singing with her. She has learned a lot at her preschool too, like the Spanish. That was a surprise!

Saying our prayers...

Ba Ba Black Sheep...


We spend a lot of time talking about all the people we love, who is nice, who is handsome and pretty, etc...

Counting in Spanish and English...

The other thing she has started doing lately that is really funny is singing and talking in her monster voice. She loves the book "There's a Monster at the End of this Book" with Grover and has also been interested in dinosaurs lately (roar!), so I think that is why. Every once in a while she segues into this deep voice that makes us all laugh. :)

Weekend with BeBe!

We had a wonderful time when BeBe came to visit last weekend! The weather was gorgeous so we spent one afternoon wandering around the Tallahassee Museum looking at all the animals.

Day at the Museum

Anna has been very interested in bugs lately, so when we heard there were giant bugs (models) on display at the Brogan, we had to make a visit! I think she liked them and was a little scared of them at the same time! The dog outside was more her speed!

Birthday Party!

Getting ready for Anna's little friend Gabi's 2nd birthday party. I can't believe all the playgroup babies are turning two already!

Anna Singing!

Anna singing one of her favorite songs, "Jesus Loves Me". One of my favorite things she has said to me so far was when we had just gotten home from all our holiday traveling, so we were looking around the house and remembering it, and out of the blue she said, "Jesus". I said, "Jesus loves you, Anna", and she replied, "Jesus loves you too, Mommy". First of all, that is a long sentence for her, but mostly it was just so sweet!

New Year's Fun!

We celebrated a fun and relaxing new year at the beach with great friends old and new! Yummy food, singing, and Bocce and bonfires on the beach are some of my favorite things! Here's to an awesome 2011!


We spent some time after Christmas reflecting on what a special time it was.

Anna in her funny Eskimo hat.

Adam looking cute!

Playing with new toys.

One last "hot" fire for Anna!

Listening to Christmas records. Anna's favorite carol this year was "Jingle Bells"!

Christmas Day!

Checking out the presents on Christmas morning.

Anna opened her gifts very carefully!

She loves her little vacuum and frequently helps out around the house with it now!

Yellow truck!!! Santa came through!

Some outside playtime after Christmas dinner.

Christmas Eve!

After church on Christmas eve, Anna was allowed to open one present, a family tradition I always liked! It was a ladybug pillow-pet from our friends Emma, Scott, and Sam. She really likes it and gives it lots of hugs! You can see she was probably a little worn out by all the excitement!

Christmas with BeBe!

We celebrated early Christmas with Joanne, Christian, and Trey. Anna received a little bike that she enjoys riding around the house and driveway. She also had fun listening to all of her BeBe's Christmas music boxes!

Our Little Lady

This pose made me laugh. :)


We had so much fun at the sing-a-long this year! Stacy and Ryan are wonderful hosts and their home was so cozy and Christmas-y! I loved watching all the cousins sing, dance, and play their instruments. We even had a pirate!

Christmas Memories

We had a great Christmas this year that was made extra-special by our sweet Anna Kathryn. She seemed to understand and enjoy all the Christmas traditions and festivities and it was so much fun to celebrate with her and all our family. The day before the sing-a-long we were able to go see Thomas and Sam's Christmas pageant at their preschool, which was awesome! The boys did so well with their songs, the nativity scene was beyond adorable, and then there was a very special visitor!